A welcoming community of people who love to keep active. No experience necessary.

About Us

At Chesswood BJJ we aim to welcome everybody to a community of people who love jiu-jitsu and are built on jiu-jitsu and provide the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training in North York. We have experienced the positive impact that jiu-jitsu can have on and off the mats and intend to share that experience with anyone who walks through our doors. We offer a haven in North York to bring your friends, family, and all walks of life.

What is BJJ?

On November 12th 1993, an unassuming 170lbs competitor named Royce Gracie entered the cage at the first ever UFC event. Rorion Gracie, Royce’s older brother, started UFC, a no holds barred tournament, to prove the effectiveness of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu against other forms of martial arts. Royce Gracie submitted all of his opponents that night and went on to do the same in UFC 2 and 4.

Royce Gracie wasn’t chosen to represent his family because he was the biggest or best of the Gracies, he was chosen because of the contrary. He was one of the smaller brothers and not the best at jiu-jitsu. He was perfect to exemplify to effectiveness of jiu-jitsu regardless of size or athletic abilities. 

This made waves throughout the martial arts community. Some believed it was all set up and infomercial created by Rorion to promote jiu-jitsu. While others knew immediately they had to learn this new martial art. 

Jiu-Jitsu is a grappling style that incorporates joint locks and chokes which can be utilized by anyone, regardless of size or athletic ability. It does not involve any striking and is low impact on the body. 

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